1000 pugs looking for a Metaverse home

The search begins

“NFT Rarity”

There Are There are only 1000 individual pugs in the pug pack.The Fighters are the most common pugs around while the Royals are the rarest pugs and rarely found. Rarity is determined by fur colour traits and Class of the pugme NFT. 






The plan to find "pug-varna in the Pugme world metaverse"

Olly and her band of pugs are looking for a place where they can live the epic pug life. Legend has it that such a place does exist and it is name, (often whispered but seldom spoken allowed) is called "PUG-VARNA". Stories of its existence have been handed down through the millennia and over countless generations the story has been recounted by the pug oracles to the throng of true believers. In pug legend, pug-varna is a utopian paradise, a true nirvana where every pug regardless of its pedigree, colour or grunt can live their lives in peace and happiness. Olly the oracle, has now dispatched the epic fighter scouts to find the legendary pug-varna. As with many legends handed down over time, no one really knows where pug-varna is or what it looks like. Olly’s fighter scouts will record their adventures on the fabled scrolls of pug-varna, which are made in the traditional pug, comic book style. Their adventures will be shared with all pugs everywhere through the pugme underground network. This will keep all pugs up to date on the search and the adventures of the fighter pug scout teams. Rumours abound about as to where pug-varna may actually be, and a few naysayers even doubt its very existence. The first place the scouts intend to travel to, is the fabled land of “the sandbox” – Legend says that this is a world where everyone including pugs can build their own nirvana, and rumours abound that this is were pug-varna may be. Other scouts will travel to the mythical world of “decentraland”. It is a vast place and many others believe pug-varna may be there. Fighter scouts will then travel to “nft world” – to explore the many amazing worlds there. Could pug-varna be one of them? The pug scouts efforts don’t just stop there. All potential worlds will be explored in the tireless effort to find the promised land of pug-varna. When all the results are in, the pug community will review the pug comic book scrolls that the scouts have created while recording the story of their epic journey in their long search for pug-varna. Once having completed the search, there will be a vote called to decide on the final plans to build the new pug-varna. In stage 1 – the funds raised from rallying the pugme community, getting more and more pugs to join the pack via the opensea marketplace, will make it possible to buy the true pug sacred land. Stage 2 will be for the community to vote on which is the true sacred site of pugvarna – is it really in the sandbox, or is it in decentraland or nft world or we may even find it, somewhere else entirely. Stage3 is to buy and build pug-varna – a place of serenity and goodness where all pugs can live the pug life. Some pugs may decide to live elsewhere but come to visit this sacred place and enjoy all the facilities available, or even come for holidays. It is very well known that Pugs are a sharing breed and their vision is to share pug-varna with all the friendly daily visitors and allow them to come and enjoy some of what has been created. – Plans are being developed to build facilities and business’s run by the pugme community members. Such as - A pug re-homing centre where pugs can come and find new homes. A rescue service to retrieve pugs in trouble from around the world. A pug hospital where pugs can receive free medical attention for all their medical needs. A pug school for training in everything needed to live the best pug life. A pug-varna theme park will be built where pugs of all ages and their friends can spend their days enjoying the pug life. There will be also everything a community needs with individual pug owners running stores and supplying services. All pugme members have the opportunity to run their own business from pug-varna and supply goods and services across all the metaverse worlds, web3 and beyond as well as via the old school internet. All pugs can get involved in the vision. The Pug pack encompasses pugs from all walks of life and community and all pugs regardless of rarity will have the right to vote, enjoy pug-varna, receive benefits,live and run a business. The Pug Pack is made up of - Fighter pugs who will go forth and scout to find pug-varna and then they will protect it once it is established. The Worker pugs are the backbone of the pack and will be the builders of the pug-varna community. The Pros’ keep everything running smoothly with all checks and balances met. The Celebrity pugs will entertain the pack and keep everyone informed and attract others to join. The Royals will give guidance and knowledge to the community and help to implement the big decisions that the community decides upon, by publicly voting on all the important decisions. Pug-varna will be the one true place where all members of the pugme pug pack, can live their best pug lives.

Pugme Token Economics

Pugme Token Economics

Pugme - "Art Gallery video"

upcoming events

  • Pugme First live meet up for members in 2024

    A casual get together for all pug pack members - May 2024

  • The first pugme live gallery showing

    For the pugme pack and invited celebrities - Aug 2024

  • The pugme nft arts festival

    For pugme pack members and invited guests to explore nft's and nft art - Dec 2024

  • Mystery event

    Sure to be something special for the pug pack - Dec 2024

  • The pugme grand gala event

    Attended by celebrities and the pugme community - End 2024

There are only 1000 individual pugs in the pug pack.The Fighters are the most common pugs around while the Royals are the rarest pugs and rarely found. Rarity is determined by fur colour and traits.